FBA Environmental Justice & Public Health CommitteeDescriptionThe Environmental Justice (EJ) & Public Health Committee is a group of member volunteers that is committed to helping restore health and wealth to low income and minority communities located in Brownfields areas. Committee members help Brownfields professionals and communities identify resources to help them meet their goals in their redevelopment efforts. The committee also hosts meetings and workshops to help share and foster ideas and develop solutions. EPA defines EJ as the “fair treatment for people of all races, cultures, and incomes, regarding the development of environmental laws, regulations and policies.” Unfortunately, there are disproportionately higher negative environmental impacts in many low income and minority communities. The EPA and Florida Brownfields Programs are designed to empower communities and other stakeholders in economic redevelopment to work together in a timely manner to prevent, assess, safely clean up, and sustainably reuse Brownfields. EJ & Public Health is at the heart of our Brownfields redevelopment efforts. Some of our most important conversations and ideas begin in our EJ & Public Health Committee. Chairs/Leadership
Meetings, Workshops and EventsThe EJ & Public Health Committee meets monthly. EJ & Public Health Workshops are held at various times throughout the year, and are open to the general public. For a schedule of meetings and events, visit the FBA Events Calendar. Contact UsTo volunteer or request assistance within your community, please one of our committee co-chairs, or email info@ floridabrownfields.com. FBA Members may begin conversations with the EJ & Public Health Committee by posting on our Members Only Message Board - login for access.
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